Nujabes 的 Luv (sic) Part 4 采样自哪首音乐? 您所在的位置:网站首页 first class采样原曲 Nujabes 的 Luv (sic) Part 4 采样自哪首音乐?

Nujabes 的 Luv (sic) Part 4 采样自哪首音乐?

2023-03-27 14:06| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

作为一个 Nujabes 多年的伪粉表示,通过从各种渠道的了解,Luv (sic) Part 4 并没有明确的采样原曲,应该是 Shing02 于 2006 - 2010 年间原创的曲目,期间 Nujabes 与 Shing02 就编曲交换过很多意见,最终由 Shing02 在 2010 年 Nujabes 去世后完成录制。

Shing02 于 2012 年在 Facebook 上 po 过一篇关于 Luv (sic) 系列前世今生的文章(

OK, for all those asking about the history and...

),里面提到的和 Part 4 有关的内容如下:

around 2006, I told Nujabes that instead of doing another sequel, I would rather do a trilogy with a theme: 4 will be about discovery, 5 about parting, 6 about reuniting.

He liked the idea.

We start exchanging beats for a couple of years and we finally find a good beat in what would become Part4. Although I was busy finishing my Japanese album, the lyrics to Part4 were mostly written around this time.

In March 2010, we find out about Nujabes passing in February. Soon after, I finished writing Part4 and recorded at the Hydeout Studio in Kamakura.

Also at the time of his passing, we discovered that Nujabes had left a beat titled "Luv(sic) grand finale" on his cellphone. The label tracked down the session files.

Due to label circumstances, Part4 did not get released until June 2011, so I released Part5 in December of 2010 with a beat by Jumpster as a free tribute and remix project.

Part 4 是整个 Luv (sic) 1 - 6 中我最喜欢的一首,按照 Nujabes 和 Shing02 的原意,Part 4 - 6 三部曲依次讲述了两个人「相遇」、「离别」和「重逢」的过程。


最后放个 Instrumental 音频版:

Luv (sic) Part 4 - Nujabes

以及 Shing02 和 Emi Meyer 共同演绎的现场版本:

Shing02 - Luv Sic part 4 - Emi Meyer—在线播放—优酷网,视频高清在线观看


R.I.P Nujabes.


PS: 过两天有空了再补充一下其他的采样和背景信息






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